• MVC [Model-View-Controller] is an architectural Pattern separates an Applications into three main components as Model,View and Controller.

• ASP.Net MVC Frame work provides an alternative to ASP.Net Web Forms For Creating a Web Application. MVC Frame Work is Lightweight and,

highly testable .MVC Frame Work is defined from System.Web.Mvc assembly.

• Models -- Model objects are parts of application that mainly implemtnt logic for the application.This Model objects retrieve and store model state in     database

• Views--views are components that are used to display the applications User Interface(UI).

• Controller--Controllers are components that can handle user interaction work with view and ultimately selet view and displays on UI.In MVC     applications views only display information for user ,controller handles and respones user action

• Model objects are parts of application that mainly implemtnt logic for the application.This Model objects retrieve and store model state in    database

• views are components that are used to display the applications User Interface(UI).

• Separation of application tasks and code consern(input logic,nusiness logic and UI logic),testability and test -driven development

• An extensible and pluggin framework.The omponents of ASP.Net MVC framework are designed that they can be easily replaced and    customized.

• MVC has a different URL-mapping component that Lets Developer build applications.These urls are very optimized by Search Engine    Optimization[SEO]    and representational state transfer (REST).

• MVC also supports authentication and authorization ,roles member ship ,output and data cacheing,session and profiles.